Is Genesis History?

Moderated by Dr. Del Tackett

“Is Genesis History?” is a 2017 DVD on the Genesis account of creation which, in my opinion, is compelling scientifically, and soundly Biblical, entitled “Is Genesis Historical?”  Over 12 PhD’s, in their field of expertise, explored creation from the Biblical account.  Dr. Del Tackett (who developed “The Truth Project”), moderates the superbly filmed movie, delving into difficulties, truth, conundrums, and tensions – like the ice age, and even ice core samples (in the DVD’s bonus features).  Our Church reviewed 40 minutes of the 101-minute movie, accompanied by an annotated folded bulletin insert that we created for the occasion (below).  The movie (without bonus features) can be viewed on Netflix, and the DVD can be ordered from a variety of DVD resources:  Amazon,, etc.


“Is Genesis History?” is a fascinating new look at the Biblical, historical and scientific evidence for Creation and the Flood.  Learn from more than a dozen scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of Genesis.  Dr. Tackett, creator of “The Truth Project,” hikes through canyons, climbs up mountains, and dives below the sea in an exploration of two competing views…on compelling truth.

“Changing Our Perspective”

Genesis is central to understanding everything around us.  If we try to construct a history based on our own limited experiences, we will misinterpret what has happened in the past and misunderstand our place in the world.  Genesis, on the other hand, explains where we came from, who we are, what our problem is, and where we are headed.  When looking at everything together, we can be confident that Genesis is history.

Recent Evidence:  Mt. Saint Helen’s Eruption on May 18, 1980

·  Up to 600 feet thick of multiple layers of sediment in a matter of minutes or hours.

·  What influences assumptions about life on earth?

·  Did God Create the world in a few days, or did it evolve over billions of years?

·  Did mankind descend from apes, or did God create us instantly with functional design, in His Image?

·  Was there a global flood, or is that a myth?

·  “Is Genesis History?”

What do the Rocks Tell Us The World-wide Flood Catastrophe

Steve Austin, PhD - Geologist

All the high mountains under heaven (at that time) were covered and the subsequent catastrophic rise of mountains.

The Grand Canyon

o   The inside story of the ground beneath us.

o   Same strata in Colorado, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Mt. St. Helens

o   Catastrophic Process: Rapid Sedimentary Layers

o   Marine fossils in layer upon layer

o   The Power of Water

o   A little water over a lot of time did not cut out the huge canyon, but a lot of water in a little time

o   Erosion and the passage of time between layers is not seen in the Grand Canyon.

o   The condition of the Grand Canyon could not be sustained for millions of years, because erosion deteriorates canyons over long periods of time.

o   More Time – billions of years, is not a “magic wand” to take care of all the issues confronting evolution theories, and of life absent of God.

A Question of Paradigms

Paul Nelson, PhD - Philosopher

Two Paradigms

Paradigm:  “A framework within which you interpret evidence.”

“Science isn’t just about the evidence, it’s about how you interpret that evidence.”

1.  The Conventional Evolutionary Paradigm

o   Deep Time: Billions of years

o   God and accountability are void in this paradigm

2.  The Historical Genesis Paradigm

o   Everything begins with a Divine Mind and Creator

o   Everything begins fully formed as a functioning system in the beginning – “It was Good” originally:

  1. Origin of the Universe

  2. Origin of Living Things

  3. Origin of Humanity

  4. Origin of Sin – depravity and death destroy

  5. Origin of catastrophic Geological formations

  6. Origin of Languages to disperse the nations

Two competing views of history, not competing views of science.

What is the Biblical view of the history of our cosmos?

What Does the Text Say?  What is Genesis’ history of the world?

Steven Boyd, PhD – Hebrew Linguist

·  Historical Narrative - Literal Days

·  Other ancient creation myths are found poetic forms.  Genesis is not ancient “poetry” and is not compatible with conventional evolutionary thought.

·  Biblical text not compatible with the Conventional Paradigm

·  Christianity is relying on a strong Historical basis in the Bible.

How Do You Measure Time?

Andrew Snelling, PhD - Geologist

Where do the “millions of years” come from?

How do we determine the age of these rocks?

The Past is the key to the present – not the present to the past.

When evolution proclaims an “Open system” not a “closed system” – then there are unreliable dating methods.

Evolutionists have a commitment to Old Earth theories – millions of years.

This time element is the critical element for the conventional paradigm.

A Brief History of the World According to Genesis

Kurt Wise, PhD – Paleontologist

The Bible lays out epics of earth history:

1.  The Creation – of the heaven and Earth by God.

2.  The Edenian Epoch – Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

3.  The Ante-Diluvian Epoch – the world after the fall of man and before the flood.

4.  The Post-Flood Epoch – the period of recovery after the flood, including the ice age.

5.  The Modern Epoch – the present processes extended back to the flood.

All the people and events of Genesis were considered accurate history by Jesus, Paul, Peter and the Apostles, and is the historical basis for the Gospel.  We can now only look into the Bible and the rocks to see evidence of those prior world epics.

Additional Chapters on the “Is Genesis History” DVD:

·      Marcus Ross, PhD – Paleontologist

The Origin of Fossils

·      Arthur Chadwick, PhD – Taphonomist

When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth

·      Kevin Anderson, PhD – Microbiologist

Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones

·      Robert Carter, PhD – Marine Biologist

The Genius of Design

·      Todd Wood, PhD – Biologist

The Purpose of the Stars

·      Danny Faulkner, PhD – Astronomer

The Potential of Created Kinds

·      Douglas Petrovich, PhD – Archeologist (Languages)

Where was Babel?

·      George Grant, PhD – Pastor, (Structure of Modern Time)

Genesis and Our Culture

“Is Genesis History?” may be viewed on Netflix.

The DVD may be purchased at any number of DVD merchants on the internet:  Amazon,, etc.

Additional resources are available at: