“Mr. Nobody”


By Dan and Chris Kennedy

©  2007/2009

I drove happily home at the end of the day,

But the children surrounded our couch in dismay,

The armrest was broken – knocked off on the floor!

The kids looked up guiltily as I opened the door.

“What happened,” I questioned…

“To our wonderful couch?”

“Mr. Nobody did it!” they said with a slouch.

“Mr. Nobody did it?” I feigned to comply.

“We can’t even find him!” was their subversive reply.

“Mr. Nobody did it?”  I looked in their eyes.

Little Johnny was smiling, the others denied.

“They did it!” pointed Johnny.  A tale told with glee!

“They did it together…as they chased after me!”

I couldn’t help smiling, while the couch was repaired.

When we’re guilty and wrong…Mr. Nobody’s there!

Is Mr. Nobody’s name always nearby –

When convenience demands the trickiest lie?

I followed the children – who ran playing outside,

A squirrel and a woodpecker scampered to hide.

The flowers in the garden were all in full bloom,

The snow peas were ready...we’ll have radishes soon.

Butterflies fluttered and flew high to be free.

The sunset was brilliant for all creatures to see.

Bright stars were now gleaming through the deepening red,

I gathered my children on their way back to bed.

“Who made the oceans, the sky and the land?

Who made the rivers, the mountains and sands?

Who made your fingers, your ears and your nose?

Some say Mr. Nobody, but we know how that goes…”

“If Mr. Nobody did it, we wouldn’t be real,

Only God can make atoms, and rabbits, and eels!

Mr. Nobody conveniently sidetracks our mind!

Through God’s Word we’re created – in His perfect design!”