4 Things No One Can Deny


The Four Things that No One Can Deny

by Pastor Dan Kennedy


  1. 1.Existence:  I exist.  (We exist.  Creation exists.  The Universe exists.)

  1. 2.Supernatural Things Exist:  Good exists and evil exists.

  1. 3.I am affected by Supernatural Existence:  Although I would like to always do good and be seen as a good person, there are times when I participate with evil.

  1. 4.I am Frail:  We might seem strong at times, but really we are frail people…we all die.

Biblical Reasoning

1.Physical Heritage:  No one can deny that each person has a physical great, great, great, great grandfather or grandmother, though no one has ever seen him or her.  The person’s present physical existence supersedes any argument that could be perpetrated to the contrary regarding the existence of his or her forefather or foremother’s existence.

Life is more than Physical.

Each person is unique.  We each have individualized fingerprints, individual specific eyes, and a personalized voice pattern.  We are unique.  Although our physical heritage can be traced through DNA patterns, we all have been also individually created spiritually.  Our Creator has uniquely created the spirit of each life, which dwells in every living being’s physical body.  Our soul (mind, emotions and will) and spirit are supernatural to our body.  We think, reason, plan, communicate, remember, worship, love and hate, etc., in wavelengths well beyond the “hardware” of our physical brain and confinements of our tangible body.  We know our Creator exists because that which makes us alive - our supernatural self exists.  The physical body can only be sustained in a living form without decay, if it is in-dwelt by this supernatural life/spirit.

This logic is carried to all of creation’s physical and spiritually empowered existence of that which makes a physical being alive.

2.In addition to life existing both physically and supernaturally, no one can deny that good and evil exists.  Good and evil are supernatural because they exist dynamically beyond the physical realm.   We comprehend and understand what is inherently good and evil by what we call our conscience.  A fundamental understanding of good and evil is consistent throughout the world.  This fact alone is a substantial reason for the existence of an absolute and personal Creator.

Good and evil exists.  And…we can spiritually and mentally comprehend that both exists.

3.The appalling fact to human beings who know good and evil exists and that we want to be seen as good, is that everyone also participates from time to time with evil; this is not a shock to our Creator, it is a fact.

The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the Kingdom of God.”

In the beginning, our Creator originally formed us amazingly good, but because of the original “fall” and our personal choice to allow failure into evil, from time to time, we have been separated from our Creator.

Our Creator God has provided a way whereby fallen men and women can be cleansed from the guilt of their conscience.  This is through the blood sacrifice of the undefiled Son of God, Jesus Christ, at the Cross, on which He was crucified.

Jesus Christ bore the guilt of our sin in His Body on the cross.  When we accept, through faith, Jesus’ Sacrifice as the covering for our own sin, we are declared righteous from the guilt of our sin.  The Grace of God offers you and me the opportunity to be reconciled with our Creator, transferring the debt of our relationship-damaging sin to Christ.  When we pray, we tell God of our desire to be reconciled with Him and our need to accept His provision of the Sacrifice of His Son, for the forgiveness of our sin.  Those who do so have the health of their relationship with God restored and the hope of eternal life.

4.Though we seem strong, we are still frail.  We all die.  When the spirit and soul of those who have renewed their relationship with their Creator during their lifetime on earth (by God’s Grace, through faith in Christ’s Sacrifice), will live with their Creator-God for eternity, where there is no more death, or sorrow.