God’s Plan through the Ages



God’s Plan Through the Ages

By Pastor Dan Kennedy

©February 7, 2010


1.God Evidenced His Glory to Mankind in the beginning

a.In Creating the Universe

b.In Creating Mankind in His Image

c.In Communing with Adam and Eve – clothing them in His Glory, before the fall of mankind.

2.God Evidenced His Glory to Mankind after the fall of mankind

By revealing His desire to have a relationship with mankind prior to Mt. Sinai and the giving of His Law, through an acceptable blood sacrifice – picturing what would come – in Jesus’ Sacrificial Redemption as “the Lamb of God”, on the Cross.

3.God Evidenced His Glory to Mankind

By revealing His Glory to mankind on Mt. Sinai and in filling the Tabernacle and Solomon’s Temple with His glory, as the Scripture faithfully records.

4.God Evidenced His Glory to Mankind

By Giving His Son as the Offering for Sin, as “the Lamb of God” on the cross, providing the way whereby sinful mankind could have a restored relationship with Him.

(Today, we are remembering Christ’s death until He Comes!)

5.God Evidenced His Glory to Mankind

By giving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, whose Presence could now transform the spiritual being of those who believe in Christ, to be Children of God.

“Christ in you, the hope of glory!”

6.God will one day fully Evidence His Glory to Mankind, in the end of the ages, when Christ comes once again

By giving His Children a new everlasting Spiritual Body; by forever destroying death, sin and the enemies of God, and by establishing His Righteous Kingdom forever!